Atlas catalan de 1375, Abraham Cresques, Bibliothèque nationale de France
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Presentation of the exhibition PDF
General map Carte générale de repérage
Timeline PDF
Conclusion and partnersconclusion
How the numerals travelled around the Mediterranean PDF
Writing numbers PDF 
Multiplication around the Mediterranean PDF 
Mathematics in Occitania PDF
A Babylonian tablet: IM 55357 PDF
Archimedes: the origins of calculus PDF
The Mediterranean origins of trigonometry PDF
Aristarchus and Eratosthenes: measuring Earth and Heaven PDF 
Measuring instruments PDF 
• Arbalestrille PDF 
• Astrolabe PDF 
• Geometric square PDF 
• Graphometer PDF 
• Trigometer PDF 
Pytheas measures the obliquity of the ecliptic plane PDF
Stories of spheres PDF 
The early days of astronomy in the Mediterranean PDF 
Greek astronomy - philosophical and geometrical PDF 
Arabic and Persian astronomy - mathematical and religious PDF 
Galileo - a new dimension to the observation of the Heavens PDF
Plato's five solids PDF
The three great problems of Antiquity PDF
The adventure of conics PDF 
Perspective geometry PDF         
Tilings PDF 
A founding text of mathematics, Euclid's elements PDF 
Routes taken by Euclid's elements PDF 
Euclid's mapCarte des itinéraires des Eléments
Greece, birthplace of mathematical proof PDF
Algebra ... before letters PDF
Diophantus of Alexandria, the father of algebra? PDF
Arabic algebra PDF
Meeting the Italian algebraists, Cardan and Tartaglia PDF 
At the origin of modern science, Galileo PDF 
The modern circulation of knowledge, Gergonne.s Annals PDF